Please forgive me for this post which may seem cold and distant via these means, but i need to let you all know that watson and I lost our perfect little angel in the early morning hours on Monday.
I went into labor on Sunday and when we went to the hospital that evening, at that time everything was perfect, my heart rate the baby's, everything- I was progressing. I wasn't just yet far enough along to stay so they sent me home. Through the night I continued to have contractions and time them. We returned to the hospital next morning at 6:30 am and at that time they were no longer able to find a heart beat. More and more Doctors tried to find it and soon our room was filled with so many that we knew that things had gone very wrong. We were told that at some time during the night our precious angel's heart had stopped beating. There is no explanation that could be found at that time. There is a chance that we will never know what was the cause. Because I was already in labor and because we were full term we delivered her with the assistance of some pain meds and a room full of loving nursing staff and our OB. At 3:38pm Monday, August 27, 2007 our perfect angel arrived.
Olive Lucy Kawecki
Aug 27, 2007 3:38 PM
7 lbs, 8 oz.
22 1/2 inches long.
And she has great big clown feet.
Please keep us in your prayers and if you would like to call we appreciate that too we may not answer but please leave a message. If you are nearby and would like to join us for the memorial service that will be Friday Aug 31st @ 12 noon we will post more of that info later soon. In lieu of flowers Donations can be made in her name: Olive Lucy Kawecki to the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. More info to follow on this as well. Kiss your children for us and give them our love.